About a year ago, my husband, daughter Alexis (then just nearly 4), and I went to a local produce stand for some pumpkins, flowers, and other lovely things that one can find only from rural road side stands. I was
carrying my Holga around quite often then and Alexis always wanted to do what Mommy was doing. She had spotted this huge bright yellow mixing part of a cement truck near the produce stand and wanted to take a picture of it. So, when we stopped, I let her have the Holga and she walked over and took a picture. When it was finally developed, my husband and I were amazed at the picture she had taken. It was an instant favorite of ours. Anyway, when the
FCCA had a Call for Entry for a national juried exhibition, "Child's Eye View", I knew I had to enter it. Well... I did. And it did. Got accepted I mean. The opening is on November 7, 2008 in Fredericksburg, VA.
Congratulations on your very first show my lovely Alexis!