Oh, but I digress. Quite a while ago (I'd hate to say a year, but it might be nearly that), my neighbor suggested that I look into the local dance/art studio that had opened in the area. Her friend had started it and was looking for local artists to possibly teach there. She suggested that I teach photography. I laughed. I don't teach...
Then, I met the owner at a get-together 4 or 5 months ago. We chatted a bit about what she was looking for and I said I'd think about it. Then in June, I decided that I either needed to do it or just say no. So, I just said, "yes". Once that contract was signed I couldn't turn back. And I had 3 weeks to get a class together!
I spent those 3 weeks poring over all of my photography books and old class notes to come up with a 3-day workshop. The first day was basic camera instruction and photographic composition. Then the class would go on a photo walk-about where the students could practice and ask me questions. The final class was to be a critique of the photos they had taken.
The class went without a hitch and I had a blast teaching! Everyone said that they had learned a lot and the only "critique" was that I seemed nervous at the first class. I laughed. I said that I seemed nervous because I was incredibly nervous. I am deathly afraid of public speaking and "public speaking" to me is any more that 1 person! :) It was so much fun, I'm going to do it again!
Here is my class during our photo walk-about, taken with the Lomography Spinner 360°:

Welcome Back!
Congrats on teaching the classes- they sounds awesome. What an amazing opportunity!
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